So excited about my new website! — Anne Garney Paintings

So excited about my new website!

CQC Main Logo Colour.png

I built my first website for in 2001 and times have changed! My old site was on dark gray background and the paintings always showed too small. Also, because of changing tech, I haven’t even been able to access it for some time.

I think I was waiting to be inspired or waiting for the time. What a better time than now!

I saw a website that I really liked that was done in Squarespace. So, I looked and I was very lucky to come upon a great Squarespace designer for my website. Chantelle and her company, Clear Quartz Creative, was recommended through the Squarespace site. I saw some of her wonderful designs. We had a Zoom meeting, and I knew she would be great to work with.

She has a very organized system, using a Google Workstation, that made the whole process easier than I thought it could be. I can be quite particular - you know us creative types. But Chantelle had great patience and good suggestions.

She asked that I have all the content ready by a specified ‘start date.’ A short number of weeks later, the site is done. YAY!!! Also, I loved all the personal instruction videos she made for me, so I could update my site myself.

Chantelle went above and beyond to make sure my website was everything I wanted it to be! So Thankful! 

Thank you Chantelle!!